Cambodia Basics – 101 Tips

Cambodia Basics - 101 Tips by Kay McMahonby Kay McMahon
First Edition: published 24 September 2012

The second of our …Basics – 101 Tips books, this is another collection of useful tips for visitors based on the author’s personal experience and on-the-ground research, amassed in over six years of visiting Siem Reap and Phnom Penh – the two cities on which the book focuses.

Cambodia’s recent past was notoriously horrific and dominated by civil war, genocide and extreme poverty. Although the country’s now emerging from that past, the economy and infrastructure are still a long way behind what most of its visitors will be used to from their own countries and their travels elsewhere. This book helps the newcomer to Cambodia smooth off some of the rough edges they might otherwise encounter in travelling around the country, and make the most of their time among the charming and hospitable Cambodian people.
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Bangkok Basics – 101 Tips

Bangkok Basics - 101 Tips by Kay and Dave McMahonby Kay and David McMahon
Second Edition: published 10 March 2014

This short book is a collection of tips to help visitors to Bangkok get the most out of their time in the throbbing Thai metropolis.

It’s not a guidebook – there are plenty of guidebooks on the market if you want to find about about visiting the temples or other sights. Rather, it’s an insider’s guide to where to go and what to do. Kay and David have spent a considerable amount of time in Thailand over the last quarter of a century, and this book is based on their personal experience and on-the-ground research.
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